Make A Difference
Will you stand in the GAPTo provide help, healing and hope for children, families and our community?
Of Every Dollar Direct to Programs
Foster Children
Supervised Visits Weekly
Kids Fed Weekly
Partner with GAP through a one time gift.
Or become a GAP VIP with your monthly recurring donation that helps us budget and plan for the future.
Housing Foster Children
Over 255 Children and Teens are lovingly cared for annually by GAP
Healing Families
Individuals are helped with addiction recovery, job training, assistance with basic needs, and programs to reconcile and heal families.
Youth aging out of foster care & individuals needing a second chance and learn skills leading to good jobs.
Providing food and basic need items to thousands of local children and families that would otherwise go hungry.
Your financial partnership makes it possible to care for over 255 foster children and teens each year with the love and respect they deserve, helping them successfully age out into self-sufficient adulthood.
You enable families who have been shattered by poverty, addiction, and family history to be renewed, regenerated, and restored – to reunite with their children in a new, healthy way, and to find a fulfilling career at a worthy wage.
You provide hundreds of nutritious meals each week to low-income elementary school kids and elderly shut-ins. And finally, your partnership turns $550,000 worth of retail products annually that would otherwise become landfill, and distributes them to struggling families and hurting individuals through over 45 local nonprofit partners.
Tax Credit
Arizona taxpayers are eligible to receive a $ for $ credit for your donation to qualifying Foster Care agencies. You actually just redirect a portion of your state tax dollars at no additional financial cost to yourself!
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VIP Monthly Giving
Make your tax credit donation in monthly payments, or choose to support the mission of GAP Ministries with any amount monthly and become a GAPVIP!
Monthly giving makes it easier on your wallet and it helps us better budget throughout the year.
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GAP Ministries is grateful for donations other than cash, and will gladly accept them.
Stock How To
In-Kind Donations
GAP has needs in multiple areas for which we are always happy to receive donations: Foster Children, Food Pantry, Community Warehouse, and more.
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Leave a Legacy
For over 20 years, GAP Ministries has been standing in the gap for children, families, and our community. Will you help continue this Kingdom work into the next 20 years and beyond? Consider including GAP Ministries in your will or life insurance.
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Community Warehouse Sponsor
Individuals or Businesses may sponsor the Community Warehouse for as little as $500. Your sponsorship allows more nonprofits and churches to participate, receive more items and serve a greater number of individuals in our community.
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Foster Children – Christmas gifts & stockings, Easter baskets & clothing, swimsuits & pool toys, gift cards to eat at restaurants or go to activities like movies, sports, etc.
Food Pantry and GAP Kitchen – canned items, baggies (sandwich and quart size)
Community Warehouse – toilet paper, paper towels, diapers, hygiene products
To donate: Drop off Mon-Fri 9-5 at GAP Ministries 2861 N. Flowing Wells Rd.
or call for more information 520-481-6104
To learn more or speak to a professional who can answer your questions, please contact
Tiane Kennedy, Development Director or 520-392-8436
CLICK HERE for a PDF of our Tax Credit form if you would like to mail your check with this form.
Important: Checks must be made out separately to each organization but can be sent to the same address:
GAP Ministries/ Miracle Center 2861 N. Flowing Wells #121 Tucson, AZ 85705
Inform GAP Finance Director, or 520-393-8177 to let us know you plan to make the transfer. This is necessary so that we can credit the gift to you. We will immediately email you a receipt for your tax purposes.
Account Name: GAP Ministries
Address: 2861 N. Flowing Wells Rd., #161, Tucson, AZ 85705
Account #: TY9-147790
Brokerage House: National Financial Services
Contact: Diana Lonbeck,Thrivent Financial 520-549-1055
DTC #: 0226
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