Healing for Families
When we begin to heal families, we change the direction of their lives and generationally impact them going forward
Nurturing Parenting Sessions in 2023
Supervised Visits Conducted in 2023
Family Restoration
Children are at the heart of GAP, however, if we continually care for abused or neglected children and never help their families, it becomes a never-ending cycle. When we begin to heal these families we can change the direction of their lives and impact them for generations to come.
GAP Ministries has been able to more effectively impact the foster care system and help with the goal of reunifying healthy families. The Department of Child Safety of Arizona has partnered with us to provide Visit Supervision between the children and their birth parents. It is our desire that as parents are learning new methods while also getting the help they need, they can ultimately become successful in raising their children and stopping the cycle at the root.
Court Ordered Supervised Visitation
In the GAP Family Center, families are able to spend quality time together during their court-ordered supervised visits. Each week moms and dads reconnect with their children to continue the bond they have as a family. For children who are no longer living with their parents, this can be the most important activity of their entire week. Parents bring familiar food, toys, and sometimes other family members to the visits, which is a great way to keep the child connected to their family and work towards reunification.
Nurturing Parent Program
Parents who are at risk of having their children removed, have children currently in foster care, or have been recently reunified are eligible for this program. The Nurturing Parenting Program focuses on establishing empathy, self-worth, self-awareness, empowerment, discipline with dignity, appropriate family roles and age-appropriate expectations of children’s development.
GAP’s NPP Practitioners will meet with the parent and provide individual lessons outlined by assessments the parents completed. They also will work with the parents to create and prepare an activity to do with their children that will incorporate what they are learning. Whether it is singing silly songs, playing a card game, or learning how to write their name, these activities help parents put into practice what they learn about empathy, age-appropriate activities, encouragement, and empowerment.
**NPP Practitioners can also help parents learn about the developmental needs of their children, community resources, and other valuable information.
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